

The word chocolate comes from "Xocoatl" (Aztec language). Then,by the Indians in Mexico, the word evolved into the word means drinking a bitter chocolate. Chocolate drinks became an immortal drink in human history.

The main output of the plant that chocolate is cocoa beans ready to be stored with a moisture content of 6%. To be processed intovarious products, brown seed coat must be cleaned in advancein order to obtain seed pieces. This chocolate fruit seeds will be processed into a cocoa powder and various other chocolate products. For the typical smell of chocolate out, the seeds must be fermented in advance. 

It turned out that chocolate has many benefits, not only for physical health but also mental health. Feel doubt? Let's find out!

Recent research initiated by Imperial College London, said chocolate contains high levels of oxidants. High levels of oxidantsthat can protect the skin from dangerous ultraviolet (UV).Ingredients such as Theobromine good for the nervous systemand phenylethylamine gives the effect on mood or mood. Not onlythat, chocolate is also able to improve heart health.

Professor Donatella Lippi, a researcher at the history ofchocolate from the University of Florence in Italy said, severalyears later, the womb of nature such as flavonoids are considered as drugs to prevent depression. Chocolate can alsobe used to balance the chemical concentration in the brain such as serotonin and dopamine. The two chemicals that affect mood, appetite and behaviorPeople who consume high cocoa flavanols according to experts who have good arterial blood circulation

A researcher from Ghana, Professor F. Kwaku Addai in thejournal Medical Hypotheses write recommendations to the Ghanaian public to consume two or three glasses of chocolate a day to protect against malariaHe also suggested the doctor to give them a glass of chocolate in patients with eye diseases and asthma.

And what about the fat content found in cocoa? Yep, it's truecocoa contains saturated fatty acids, but mostly in the form ofstearic acid which according to some studies will not raiseblood cholesterol levels like other saturated fatty acids. Otherfatty acids contained in cocoa beans are unsaturated fatty acidsand saturated fatty acid called palmitic fatty acid. The problem is, many chocolate products sold in the market are mixed in such a manner with other materials so that the fat contained in itto be similar to milk fat and other saturated fats.

There is one important note to remember, that more and morecontent of pure chocolate in a chocolate product, the higherlevels of antioxidants.

Also, do not forget the calories contained in the chocolate. One hundred grams of chocolate that are sold on the market containabout 150 calories. So, all the benefits of chocolate will be goneif if other foods are consumed is also high in calories so thatcalorie consumption is too high. This certainly is not beneficialto your diet program

Now you already know what the contents and benefits that exist in the chocolate. So, do not be afraid to eat chocolate!

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